%% MFParXSp.sty---Uwe L"uck http://www.contact-ednotes.sty.de.vu. %% %% mfparxsp.sty earlier defined \MFparaxbuffer. %% manyfoot version 1.7 (September 2004) defines %% \ExtraParaSkip instead, so former mfpaxsp.sty is %% ***obsolete***. You may use the present file to %% convert \MFparaxbuffer of your earlier document files %% into \ExtraParaSkip, or just to remind you of the change %% later. (On CTAN, the new manyfoot version is obtainable %% from directory /macros/latex/contrib/ncctools/.) %% See explanation of \ExtraParaSkip in ednotes.sty %% (CTAN: /macros/latex/contrib/ednotes). %% %% Copyright (C) 2004 by Uwe L"uck--author-maintained. %% %% This program can be redistributed and/or modified under the %% terms of the LaTeX Project Public License distributed from %% CTAN archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt; either %% version 1.3 of the License, or any later version. %% We did our best to help you, but there is NO WARRANTY. %% % \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesPackage{mfparxsp}[2005/01/10 v0.3b %% TODO \string\MFparaxbuffer\space (ul)] % \PackageWarningNoLine{mfparxsp}{% %% Line number would be that of here. This package is obsolete.\MessageBreak Replace \string\MFparaxbuffer\space by \string\ExtraParaSkip\MessageBreak use manyfoot.sty version 1.7\MessageBreak and don't load mfparxsp.sty any more.\MessageBreak See ednotes.sty documentation%% Silly: full stop from LaTeX. } \let\MFparaxbuffer\ExtraParaSkip \endinput VERSION HISTORY: v0.1 2004/04/26 First. Sent to Florian Kragl and Christian. v0.2 2004/04/27 Previous version was wrong. Used \MFL@startpara as a hook now. Sent to Florian Kragl, Alex Rozhenko and Christian. v0.21 2004/05/10 Removed explanations on loading from Mfparptc.sty. 2004/07/26 ^^J 2004/08/31 `author-maintained'. v0.3 2004/09/21 "Compatibility mode" for Manyfoot.sty version 1.7; removed earlier code and documentation; changed .log display. 2004/10/08 Changed explanation to users at top. v0.3a 2004/11/07 LPPL v1.3a. v0.3b 2005/01/10 Contact via http. *Florian Kragl's earlier suggestion:* In preamble, type \setlength{\footnotesep}{<fns>} \renewcommand*\footnoterule{\kern-<ra>\hrule\kern-<rb>} Here, find good values for <fns>, <ra>, and <rb> by trial and error. %% End of file `MFParXSp.sty'.