%% This is the file `iagproc.cls' intended for formatting submissions to
%% IAG (International Association of Geodesy) Proceedings.
%% Originally written as 'banff.cls', for the Banff GGG2000 symposium.
%% An adaptation from 'article.cls', (c) The LaTeX3 Project and
%% individual authors:
%%          Leslie Lamport
%%          Johannes Braams
%%          David Carlisle
%%          Alan Jeffrey
%%          Frank Mittelbach
%%          Chris Rowley
%%          Rainer Schoepf
%% License
%% 'iagproc.cls' is free software that can be redistributed and/or 
%% modified under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License as 
%% specified in the LaTeX Project Public License:
%%		http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.html
%% Adapted from 'article.cls' (c) Martin Vermeer 2000
%% Small adaptations (c) Hussein Abd-Elmotaal 2000
%% Small adaptations (c) Martin Vermeer 2003
%% Your class definition should be 
%%     \documentclass{iagproc}

          [2003/01/22 v0.3 IAG Conference Proceedings]
% Options:
% Redefine \maketitle:
   \long\def\@makefntext##1{\parindent 1em\noindent
 \global\@topnum\z@   % Prevents figures from going at top of page.
 \vbox to 4.8cm {
   \let \footnote \thanks
   \vskip 0.6cm

% Redefine \section and \subsection:
%\renewcommand\chapter{\@startsection {chapter}{0}{\z@}%
%                                  {-3.25ex \@plus -0.6ex \@minus -.2ex}%
%                                  {4mm \@plus0.1ex}%
%   {\normalfont\raggedright\Large\bfseries\sffamily}}
\renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
                                  {-4mm \@plus -0.6ex \@minus -.2ex}%
                                  {4mm \@plus0.1ex}%
                                    {-4mm \@plus -0.3ex \@minus -.2ex}%
                                    {4mm \@plus0ex}%
                                    {-4mm \@plus -0.2ex \@minus -.2ex}%
                                    {4mm \@plus0ex}%
% Redefine section, subsection numbering:
\renewcommand \thesection {\@arabic\c@section}

\newcommand{\journal}[1]{\def\@journal{#1\ }}


% Redefine default font etc.:
 \sbox\@tempboxa{\textbf{#1.} #2}%
%% \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize
%%   \@hangfrom{\textbf{#1.} }#2\par
   \textbf{#1.} #2\par
%% \else
%%   \global \@minipagefalse
%%   \hb@xt@\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
%% \fi


\def\@cite#1#2{(#1\if@tempswa , #2\fi)}

  \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt plus 2pt} 
%    \def\newblock{\hskip .11em plus .33em minus .07em}

%\input{fleqn.clo}                             %%% deactived by Hussein
%\setlength\mathindent{4mm}                    %%% deactivated Hussein

%% This is a new section added by Hussein
%% to allow the balance of the two columns
%% of the last page of the manuscript
  \setbox0=\vbox{\unvbox\@outputbox} \@tempdima=\ht0
  \advance\@tempdima by \topskip \advance\@tempdima
     by -\baselineskip \divide\@tempdima by 2
  {\vbadness=\@M \loop \global\setbox3=\copy0
   \global\setbox1=\vsplit3 to \@tempdima
   \ifdim\ht3>\@tempdima \global\advance\@tempdima by 1pt \repeat}
   \setbox\@leftcolumn=\vbox to \@tempdima{\unvbox1\vfil}
   \setbox\@outputbox=\vbox to \@tempdima
       \unvbox\@outputbox \penalty\outputpenalty
       \global\oldvsize=\@colht \global\multiply \@colht by 2
  \else \global\@firstcolumntrue
       \global\@colht=\oldvsize \else
          {You have called \protect\balance\space
             in second column\MessageBreak
           Columns might not be balanced}\fi
     \setbox\@outputbox\vbox to \@colht{\hbox to\textwidth
     {\hbox to\columnwidth {\box\@leftcolumn \hss}\hfil
      \vrule width\columnseprule\hfil \hbox to\columnwidth
      {\box\@outputbox \hss}}\vfil}\@combinedblfloats
     \@outputpage \begingroup \@dblfloatplacement
     \@startdblcolumn \@whilesw\if@fcolmade \fi
\newcommand{\@BAcleardblpage}{\clearpage\if@twoside \ifodd\c@page\else
%% This is a new section added by Hussein
%% for float seperation
\dblfloatsep 10pt plus 2pt minus 4pt \dbltextfloatsep 10pt plus 2pt minus 4pt
\@fptop 0pt plus 1fil \@fpsep 10pt plus 2fil \@fpbot 0pt plus 1fil 
\@dblfptop 0pt plus 1fil \@dblfpsep 10pt plus 2fil \@dblfpbot 0pt plus 1fil

%% End of file `iagproc.cls'.