TeXsis version 2.19 21 August 2003 GENERAL INFORMATION TeXsis is a Plain TeX macro package for typesetting physics documents, including papers and preprints, conference proceedings, books, theses, referee reports, letters, and memos. Texsis macros provide the following features: * Automatic numbering of and symbolic reference to equations, figures, tables, and references; * Simpified control of type sizes, line spacing, footnotes, running headlines and footlines; * Specialized document formats for research papers, preprints and "e-prints," conference proceedings, theses, books, referee reports, letters, and memoranda; * Table(s) of contents and lists of figures and tables, as well as list of figure and table captions; * Specialized environments for lists, theorems and proofs, centered or non-justified text, and listing computer code; * Specialized macros for easily constructing ruled tables; * Simplified means of constructing an index for a book or thesis; * Easy to use double column formatting. TeXsis was originally designed for use by physicists, but others may also find it useful. It is completely compatible with Plain TeX. You can find out more about TeXsis from the TeXsis Home Page, at http://www.texsis.org SOURCE CODE Source code and documentation for TeXsis can be obtained from ftp://ftp.texsis.org/texsis and is also mirrored by CTAN, the Common TeX Archive Network, in CTAN:/tex-archive/macros/texsis/ . Finger ctan@ftp.tex.ac.uk to find the nearest CTAN server. Small improvements and corrections to TeXsis are distributed as patches in the patch file TXSpatch.tex. If there is such a file in the texsis directory you should copy it as well. INDEPENDENT MACRO PACKAGES Several components of TeXsis can be used independently under Plain TeX: * index: index.tex contains Plain TeX macros for constructing an index for a document, in conjunction with the MakeIndex program. * tables: ruled.tex (with TXSruled.tex) contain Plain TeX macros for making nice ruled tables. * dcol: TXSdcol.tex contains Plain TeX macros for double column formatting. For details on how to use these see the documentation files that accompany them on the TeXsis ftp site (each has a separate directory). The comments in the files are also very complete. INSTALLATION TeX runs on many different platforms, not just Unix, and TeXsis will run on any installation of TeX. It is best to perform a system- wide installation of TeXsis so that everybody may use it, but it is also possible to install it in a private directory for personal use. Since TeXsis is a "format" the steps required to install it are the same as the steps required to install any TeX "format", usually using the `initex` program. It would be best if you would review the documentation on how to do this for your own TeX installation. Very complete installation instructions for Unix, VMS, and PC-TeX are given in an appendix to the TeXsis manual. You can print these without having to have TeXsis installed by running the file Install.tex through Plain TeX. That said, installation on Unix computers is rather simple. Unless you have an unusual installation of TeX (in which case please read the output from Install.tex) the steps are: 1. Edit the Makefile and change parameters and paths as appropriate, following the directions given in the comments. The defaults are set to work with teTeX, a common distribution of TeX for Unix. You will probably only have to set the paths to your top-level "texmf" directory and your local "bin" directory. 2. (Optional) Copy the file TXSsite.000 to TXSsite.tex and edit this file to contain appropriate site dependent information, such as definitions for the name of your \ORGANIZATION, or your \letterhead, or change \LandscapeSpecial, etc... If you already have a TXSsite.tex file then copy it to the current directory so that it will be included when building the format file. 3. Give the command `make` to build the format file and the manual. 4. Give the command `make install' to install the files in the appropriate directories. MTEXSIS To make it easier for the casual reader of electronic preprints ("e-prints") to print a TeXsis document we have collected the core TeXsis macros into one source file (called mtexsis.tex), with all the comments and blank lines removed. A reader who does not have TeXsis on her/his system can then simply get this file, add \input mtexsis to the manuscript file, and print the paper with Plain TeX. You can make your e-print manuscript files automatically load mtexsis.tex, if it is needed, by adding the following line at the begining of your manuscript file: \ifx\TeXsis\undefined\input mtexsis.tex\fi It is suggested that you try running such a manuscript through Plain TeX with mtexsis.tex first to make sure that it works. MAILING LIST If you find TeXsis useful you may want to send a short e-mail message to texsis(at)texsis.org to be put on the mailing list for any notices of updates or changes. We will only use this list to inform you of updates or changes, and we won't give the list out to anybody else (we hate spam too). AUTHORS Eric Myers <myers@vassar.edu> Frank E. Paige <paige@bnl.gov> Department of Physics and Astronomy Physics Department Vassar College Brookhaven National Laboratory Poughkeepsie, New York 12604 USA Upton, New York 11973 USA --- ---- --- @(#) $Id: README,v 18.3 2001/04/06 23:12:48 myers Exp $