# This file was created by configpm when Perl was built. Any changes
# made to this file will be lost the next time perl is built.

package Config;
use strict;
# use warnings; Pulls in Carp
# use vars pulls in Carp
@Config::EXPORT = qw(%Config);
@Config::EXPORT_OK = qw(myconfig config_sh config_vars config_re);

# Need to stub all the functions to make code such as print Config::config_sh
# keep working

sub myconfig;
sub config_sh;
sub config_vars;
sub config_re;

my %Export_Cache = map {($_ => 1)} (@Config::EXPORT, @Config::EXPORT_OK);

our %Config;

# Define our own import method to avoid pulling in the full Exporter:
sub import {
    my $pkg = shift;
    @_ = @Config::EXPORT unless @_;

    my @funcs = grep $_ ne '%Config', @_;
    my $export_Config = @funcs < @_ ? 1 : 0;

    no strict 'refs';
    my $callpkg = caller(0);
    foreach my $func (@funcs) {
	die sprintf qq{"%s" is not exported by the %s module\n},
	    $func, __PACKAGE__ unless $Export_Cache{$func};
	*{$callpkg.'::'.$func} = \&{$func};

    *{"$callpkg\::Config"} = \%Config if $export_Config;

die "Perl lib version (v5.8.8) doesn't match executable version ($])"
    unless $^V;

$^V eq v5.8.8
    or die "Perl lib version (v5.8.8) doesn't match executable version (" .
	sprintf("v%vd",$^V) . ")";

sub FETCH {
    my($self, $key) = @_;

    # check for cached value (which may be undef so we use exists not defined)
    return $self->{$key} if exists $self->{$key};

    return $self->fetch_string($key);
    bless $_[1], $_[0];

sub DESTROY { }

    require 'Config_heavy.pl';
    goto \&launcher unless $Config::AUTOLOAD =~ /launcher$/;
    die "&Config::AUTOLOAD failed on $Config::AUTOLOAD";

# tie returns the object, so the value returned to require will be true.
tie %Config, 'Config', {
    archlibexp => 'x:\\perl\\lib',
    archname => 'MSWin32-x86-multi-thread',
    cc => 'gcc',
    d_readlink => undef,
    d_symlink => undef,
    dlsrc => 'dl_win32.xs',
    dont_use_nlink => undef,
    exe_ext => '.exe',
    inc_version_list => '',
    intsize => '4',
    ldlibpthname => '',
    libpth => 'x:\\msys\\mingw\\lib',
    osname => 'MSWin32',
    osvers => '5.1',
    path_sep => ';',
    privlibexp => 'x:\\perl\\lib',
    scriptdir => 'x:\\perl\\bin',
    sitearchexp => 'x:\\perl\\site\\lib',
    sitelibexp => 'x:\\perl\\site\\lib',
    useithreads => 'define',
    usevendorprefix => undef,
    version => '5.8.8',