% simpsons.sty -- macros for using the Simpsons font. 
% by Raymond Chen (rjc@math.princeton.edu) 
    \def\Goofy{\let\ifGoofy\iftrue} \def\unGoofy{\let\ifGoofy\iffalse} 
    \def\Left {\let\ifLeft \iftrue} \def\unLeft {\let\ifLeft \iffalse} 
\font\simpsons=simpsons scaled 1500

% \Simps@nEyeball 
% On entry: 
%       \count@ points to the first fontdimen for the current character 
%       \box0   contains the character being typeset (used only if Left) 
% Uses: \dimen@ for scratch computations 
% Pseudocode: 
%   If left:    \dimen@ = \wd0 - first fontdimen 
%   If right:   \dimen@ = first fontdimen 
%   Advance \count@ to the second fontdimen (must do now, outside a group) 
%   Build a zero-width box containing { 
%       If left:  \dimen@ = \dimen@ - #1ex 
%       If right: \dimen@ = \dimen@ + #1ex 
%       Move right \dimen@ 
%       \dimen@ = second fontdimen + #2ex 
%       Move up \dimen@ 
%       Place the eyeball 
%   } 
%   Advance \count@ to the next fontdimen (ready for next iteration) 
% But note that the ``If left: ... If right: ...'' stuff is done 
% extraordinarily dastardlyly. 
    \dimen@ \ifLeft \wd\z@ \advance\dimen@-\fi \fontdimen\count@\simpsons 
    \hbox to\z@{\advance\dimen@\ifLeft-\fi#1ex 
% \doSimpson 
% Uses:  All register usage is localized to a group. 
% Pseudocode: 
% \leavevmode, in case we were in vertical mode 
% Begin a group 
%   Switch to simpsons font. 
%   Set \count@ = 2 * #1 
%   Set \box0 to \char\count@ (or \char(\count@+1) if left) 
%   Set \count@ = 4 + 4 * #1 
%   \Simps@nEyeball the right eyeball 
%   \Simps@nEyeball the left eyeball 
%   Emit \box0 
% End the group 
% Reset \Goofy and \Left 