% Need these for YHMATH article.

% amsfonts redefines these, but I need
% the old versions for comparison so...



%%%yhmath.sty except put into a new math version so can run both for


\edef\@tempa#1#2{\def#1{\mathaccent\string"\noexpand\accentclass@#2 }}


% For the pstricks series

\definecolor{wheat}{rgb}{.96, .87, .7}
\definecolor{lightblue}{rgb}{.68, .85, .9}
\definecolor{brown}{rgb}{.65, .16, .16}
\definecolor{pink}{rgb}{1, .75, .8}
\definecolor{palegreen}{rgb}{.6, .98, .6}
\definecolor{white}{rgb}{1, 1, 1 }
\def\MainFont{\ttfamily\upshape}          % For macro definitions.
\def\ArgFont{\sffamily\mdseries\upshape}           % For meta arguments.
\def\OptArgFont{\sffamily\mdseries\itshape}  % For optional arguments.
% parameter descriptions are always in a table
    {\normalfont #1}={\ArgFont#2}& #3}
% Short-cuts for coordinates:
\def\x#1{{\normalfont\itshape $x$#1\/}}
\def\y#1{{\normalfont\itshape $y$#1\/}}
\def\z#1{{\normalfont\itshape $z$#1\/}}
\def\c#1{(\x{#1},\kern 1pt\y{#1})}
\def\cAny{(\x{},\kern 1pt\y{})}
% In each case:
%  1. definition is delimited only by end-of-line.
%  2. {}, () and [] are literal, with contents set in \ArgFont
%  3. = and , are literal.
%  4. `foo' is for optional arguments.
%  5. <foo> is meta, as usual.
  \catcode`\<=1 \catcode`\>=2
  \catcode`\{=13 \catcode`\}=12
    \catcode`\{=13 \catcode`\}=12 \catcode`\[=13
    \def{##1}<\{<\ArgFont ##1\/>\}>%
    \def[##1]<\string[<\ArgFont ##1\/>]>>
    \def(##1){\string({\ArgFont ##1})}}

  \catcode`\`=13 \gdef`#1'{{\OptArgFont #1}}


% For listing macro definitions in a "description" environment:
\def\@@PSComOpt#1#2\@nil{\@PSCom{#1{\OptArgFont*[{\ArgFont settings}]}#2}}
%----------- Zandtisms --------------------
\large}% For macro definitions.
     % For in-line macro names.
\def\InlineFont{\ttfamily}             % For other in-line snipets of code.
% ---------- for array.sty --------------
% ----------- harvard-style citations ------------------
\def\@cite#1#2{{#1\if@tempswa , #2\fi}}
\def\ETAL{{\em et al\/}}%

    {\@citea\def\@citea{; }\@ifundefined
       {Citation `\@citeb' on page \thepage \space undefined}}%
{\csname b@\@citeb\endcsname}}}{#1}}%
% label for a bibliography citation not produced

% with page or fig no
% year only, with page or fig no
% \yearcite gives only the date
%      frame=topline,
    \ifgrid\vskip 8pt \fi
    \ifgrid\vskip 8pt \fi


% for Robin

   \expandafter\gdef\csname ctan-#1\endcsname{#2}%
   \PackageWarning{faq}{Repeated definition of label: #1}%

% the command itself
    \PackageWarning{CTAN}{Undefined reference: #1}%
    \edef\@tempa{\noexpand\CTAN{\csname ctan-#1\endcsname}}\@tempa
% hook for diagnosing undefined references at the end
\AtEndDocument{\ifthenelse{\theCTAN@unrefs > 0}{%
    \PackageWarning{CTAN}{There were \arabic{CTAN@unrefs} undefined
      references to CTAN}%


% For my tour

                                \normalfont\ttfamily ##1}}

\let\package\textsf % as in \package{longtable} package

%% Shut up