% Adapted to CWEB version 3.0 by Marc van Leeuwen -- CWI Amsterdam \noinx @* Introduction. This file contains the program |wmerge|, which takes two or more files and merges them according to the conventions of \.{CWEB}. We use the routines of \.{CWEB} itself. The function |common_init| takes care of processing command line arguments. Since the result of the merge will be produced on the standard output, we prevent distraction as much as possible by clearing flags |'h'| and |'p'| (for |'b'| it is not required since no banner is produced anyway. @h <stdio.h> @h "../common.h" /* the header file for \.{CWEB}'s \.{common.w} */ @c @< Prototype @>@; main (int argc,char** argv) { common_init(argc,argv); flags['h']=flags['p']=0; reset_input(); while (get_line()) put_line(); wrap_up(); } @ This file should be linked together with the object file produced from |"common.w"|, which is also used in both |CTANGLE| and |CWEAVE|. That file defines the functions |common_init|, |reset_input|, |get_line|, and |wrap_up|. There are however a number of functions that are required by that compilation unit although they are not actually used; we define them with trivial function bodies. Since the linker doesn't check types anyway we don't specify any here either. @c void print_stats() @+ {} void names_match () @+ {} void init_module_name() @+ {} void init_id_name () @+ {} @ All that remains is to define |put_line| which is trivial. The external variable |buffer| holds the characters read by |get_line|, up to |limit|, and |loc| points to the next character to be read, i.e., after calling |get_line| it points to |buffer[0]|. @< Prototype @>= void put_line(void); @~@c void put_line(void) { while (loc<limit) putchar(*loc++); putchar('\n'); }