This is the distribution of Perl program(s) and library(s) dealing with
Frame MIF.

    Copyright (C) 1994  Earl Hood,

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
    Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

CONTENTS of distribution:

CHANGES.edc2html  Revision history of edc2html	  Revision history of
COPYING		  GNU General Public License
HPTagEDC/	  Directory containing example output of edc2html
README		  The file you are reading
doc/		  Documentation
mif/		  Location of Perl libraries
edc2html*	  Perl program to create HTML files to navigate an FrameBuilder
		  Element Catalog
files/		  MIF files and other input/output files to programs
install_mif*	  Installation (csh) script
xrgb2mif*	  Program to convert an rgb.txt style file to a Color Catalog


For installation, do the following:

	1. Read and edit the csh script, install_mif.
	2. Run install_mif.

You might have to run the script as root.

	The Perl programs might need the first line editted to point
	to the location of the Perl interpreter at your site.  By 
	default, the programs assume /usr/local/bin/perl.

See NOTES below for further information.

Documentation is located in the directory doc/.  The documentation is in
FrameMaker 4.0 and HTML.  Reading the files in doc/ should get you
started on how to the programs.

** All the extension libraries still need to be documented. **

Files with just the ".doc" extension are in Frame 4.0.  The ".doc.html"
files are the Frame files converted to HTML.

I put considerable time in documenting the tools, so pleeeease read
them :-)

If you have a Web client like Mosaic, you can load the HTML files into
the viewer for reading.  The HTML files contain cross-references (that
hopefully help in describing things) to each other.


 o  The Perl programs make use of the file "" and other libraries
    in the mif/ directory.  The installation script trys to install the
    files in a standard Perl library location in a sub-directory called
    "mif".  However, if you install it in a location that Perl does not
    look for when requiring files, then make sure you set the PERLLIB
    environment variable.

 o  The HPTagEDC/ directory contains the HTML conversion of the HPTag
    Element Catalog.  This is the Frame quivalent to the OpenBook DTD.
    The file "files/HPTagEDC.desc" is the element description file used
    for the HPTag Element Catalog.  See documentation on edc2html for
    more information on element description files.

 o is the guts of everything.  I tried to write it so it can be
    used in any Perl program dealing with Frame MIF.  All the other
    mif_*.pl libraries just hook in callbacks into to do their
    If you come up with a nifty program that uses, please drop
    me a message.  I'd like to see if others are making any use of it.


    If you have any bugs/comments/suggestions, feel free to drop me
    an e-mail message at

    If you have questions on what the tools can, or cannot do, please
    read the documnetation first.  If the docs do not answer your
    question(s), feel free to e-mail me.

Earl Hood,