Packages changed:
  openSUSE-release (20241016 -> 20241017)
  qt6-base (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-declarative (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-imageformats (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-multimedia (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-networkauth (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-positioning (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-qt5compat (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-quick3d (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-quicktimeline (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-sensors (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-shadertools (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-speech (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-svg (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-tools (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-translations (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-virtualkeyboard (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-wayland (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-webchannel (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-webengine (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  qt6-webview (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
  systemd (256.6 -> 256.7)
  yast2-installation (5.0.12 -> 5.0.14)

=== Details ===

==== openSUSE-release ====
Version update (20241016 -> 20241017)
Subpackages: openSUSE-release-appliance-custom openSUSE-release-dvd

- automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen

==== qt6-base ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
Subpackages: libQt6Concurrent6 libQt6Core6 libQt6DBus6 libQt6Gui6 libQt6Network6 libQt6OpenGL6 libQt6OpenGLWidgets6 libQt6PrintSupport6 libQt6Sql6 libQt6Test6 libQt6Widgets6 libQt6Xml6 qt6-network-tls qt6-networkinformation-glib qt6-networkinformation-nm qt6-platformtheme-gtk3 qt6-printsupport-cups qt6-sql-mysql qt6-sql-sqlite

- Update to 6.8.0:
- Add upstream change (needed for kde 493116's bugfix):
  * 0001-QAbstractItemModelPrivate-add-resetting-member.patch
- Drop patch, merged upstream:
  * 0001-Revert-xcb-handle-XI2-input-button-and-motion-events.patch

==== qt6-declarative ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
Subpackages: libQt6LabsAnimation6 libQt6LabsFolderListModel6 libQt6LabsQmlModels6 libQt6LabsSettings6 libQt6LabsSharedImage6 libQt6LabsWavefrontMesh6 libQt6Qml6 libQt6QmlCore6 libQt6QmlLocalStorage6 libQt6QmlModels6 libQt6QmlNetwork6 libQt6QmlWorkerScript6 libQt6QmlXmlListModel6 libQt6Quick6 libQt6QuickControls2-6 libQt6QuickControls2Impl6 libQt6QuickDialogs2-6 libQt6QuickDialogs2QuickImpl6 libQt6QuickDialogs2Utils6 libQt6QuickEffects6 libQt6QuickLayouts6 libQt6QuickParticles6 libQt6QuickShapes6 libQt6QuickTemplates2-6 libQt6QuickTest6 libQt6QuickWidgets6 qt6-declarative-imports

- Update memory constraints for s390x and use %limit_build
- Update disk constraints
- Add upstream change to fix compilation failures (kde#494281, QTBUG-129797)
  * 0001-Compiler-Wrap-raw-string-literals-in-QStringLiteral-.patch
- Update to 6.8.0:
- Add upstream changes:
  * 0001-Revert-QQmlDelegateModel-fix-delegates-not-being-cre.patch
  * 0002-QQmlDelegateModel-fix-delegates-not-being-created-in.patch
  (kde#493116, QTBUG-127340)
- Merge some -devel and -private-devel packages that only have
  private API.

==== qt6-imageformats ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)

- Update to 6.8.0:

==== qt6-multimedia ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
Subpackages: libQt6Multimedia6 libQt6MultimediaQuick6 libQt6MultimediaWidgets6 libQt6Quick3DSpatialAudio6 libQt6SpatialAudio6 qt6-multimedia-imports

- Update to 6.8.0:
- Add patch to fix build on x86:
  * 0001-Fix-build-on-x86-arch.patch
- Add patch to use system Eigen headers
  * 0001-Build-with-system-eigen-3.patch

==== qt6-networkauth ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)

- Update to 6.8.0:

==== qt6-positioning ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
Subpackages: libQt6Positioning6 libQt6PositioningQuick6 qt6-positioning-imports

- Update to 6.8.0:

==== qt6-qt5compat ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
Subpackages: libQt6Core5Compat6 qt6-qt5compat-imports

- Update to 6.8.0:

==== qt6-quick3d ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
Subpackages: libQt6Quick3D6 libQt6Quick3DAssetImport6 libQt6Quick3DAssetUtils6 libQt6Quick3DEffects6 libQt6Quick3DHelpers6 libQt6Quick3DHelpersImpl6 libQt6Quick3DParticleEffects6 libQt6Quick3DParticles6 libQt6Quick3DRuntimeRender6 libQt6Quick3DUtils6 qt6-quick3d-imports

- Update to 6.8.0:

==== qt6-quicktimeline ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)

- Update to 6.8.0:

==== qt6-sensors ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
Subpackages: libQt6Sensors6

- Update to 6.8.0:

==== qt6-shadertools ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)

- Update to 6.8.0:

==== qt6-speech ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
Subpackages: libQt6TextToSpeech6 qt6-texttospeech

- Update to 6.8.0:

==== qt6-svg ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
Subpackages: libQt6Svg6 libQt6SvgWidgets6

- Update to 6.8.0:

==== qt6-tools ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
Subpackages: libQt6Designer6 libQt6Help6 libQt6UiTools6 qt6-tools-qdbus

- Update to 6.8.0:
- Drop patch, no longer needed:
  * fix-llvm19-build.patch

==== qt6-translations ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)

- Update to 6.8.0:

==== qt6-virtualkeyboard ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
Subpackages: libQt6HunspellInputMethod6 libQt6VirtualKeyboard6 qt6-virtualkeyboard-imports

- Update to 6.8.0:

==== qt6-wayland ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
Subpackages: libQt6WaylandClient6 libQt6WaylandCompositor6 libQt6WaylandEglClientHwIntegration6 libQt6WaylandEglCompositorHwIntegration6 libQt6WlShellIntegration6

- Update to 6.8.0:
- Rebase 0001-update-wayland_xml-to-version-1_23_0.patch

==== qt6-webchannel ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
Subpackages: libQt6WebChannel6 libQt6WebChannelQuick6 qt6-webchannel-imports

- Update to 6.8.0:

==== qt6-webengine ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)
Subpackages: libQt6WebEngineCore6 libQt6WebEngineQuick6 libQt6WebEngineWidgets6 qt6-webengine-imports

- Add patch to avoid a build failure on ARM (QTBUG-129985):
  * QtWebEngine_6.8_skip_xnnpack.patch
- Update to 6.8.0:
- Drop patch:
  * qtwebengine-ffmpeg-7.patch

==== qt6-webview ====
Version update (6.7.3 -> 6.8.0)

- Update to 6.8.0:

==== systemd ====
Version update (256.6 -> 256.7)
Subpackages: libsystemd0 libudev1 systemd-container udev

- Import commit c7671762b39ead7f8f9e70064256f5efaccedeca (merge of v256.7)
  For a complete list of changes, visit:
- Clean up some remnants from when homed was in the experimental sub-package (bsc#1231048)

==== yast2-installation ====
Version update (5.0.12 -> 5.0.14)

- Fix for previous change which contain typo in class name causing
  crash in microos installer (gh#yast/yast-installation#1126)
- 5.0.14
- Move microos system role dialog from yast2-caasp here to be able
  to drop yast2-caasp (gh#yast/yast-caasp#49)
- 5.0.13