Packages changed:
  MicroOS-release (20240610 -> 20240611)
  gnome-terminal (3.52.1 -> 3.52.2)
  pango (1.52.2 -> 1.54.0)
  rootlesskit (2.0.2 -> 2.1.0)
  wireplumber (0.5.2 -> 0.5.3)

=== Details ===

==== MicroOS-release ====
Version update (20240610 -> 20240611)
Subpackages: MicroOS-release-appliance MicroOS-release-dvd

- automatically generated by openSUSE-release-tools/pkglistgen

==== cloud-init ====

- Add cloud-init-skip-rename.patch (bsc#1219680)
  + Brute force appraoch to skip renames if the device is already present

==== dhcp ====
Subpackages: dhcp-client

- Drop initscripts-legacy support [jsc#PED264]
- Drop rc<service> symlinks [jsc#PED-264], [jsc#PED-266]

==== gnome-terminal ====
Version update (3.52.1 -> 3.52.2)
Subpackages: nautilus-extension-terminal

- Update to version 3.52.2:
  + client: legacy: Error out on extra arguments after parsing.
  + client: legacy: Error out when specifying more than one argv.

==== pango ====
Version update (1.52.2 -> 1.54.0)
Subpackages: libpango-1_0-0 typelib-1_0-Pango-1_0

- Update to version 1.54.0:
  + Build fixes.
  + Memory leak fixes.
  + Drop the install-tests build option.
  + Add build-examples and build-tests build options.
  + Require meson 0.63.
  + Add pango_item_get_char_offset.
  + Update to Unicode 15.1.
  + Fix wrong use of GWeakRef, leading to crashes.
- Drop -Dinstall-tests meson parameter: no longer supported.

==== plasma6-workspace ====
Subpackages: plasma6-session plasma6-workspace-libs sddm-qt6-branding-openSUSE

- Add patch to fix a regression introduced by the preceding change
  (kde#487912, boo#1226110):
  * 0001-Fix-writing-ICEAuthority-file.patch

==== rootlesskit ====
Version update (2.0.2 -> 2.1.0)

- Update to version 2.1.0:
  * v2.1.0
  * Build(deps): Bump from 0.20.0 to 0.23.0
  * feat: add new none network
  * Build(deps): Bump from 0.18.0 to 0.19.0
  * testing: add test for systemd socket activation
  * child: createCmd: propogate systemd files to actual process within namespace
  * parent: setupFilesAndEnv: retrieve socket count from systemd environment variable
  * parent: setupFilesAndEnv: systemd socket activation concept
  * parent: setupFilesAndEnv: introduce dynamic array for cmd.ExtraFiles
  * parent: setupFilesAndEnv: avoid hardcoded file descriptor numbers
  * parent: refactor cmd files and environment to helper function
  * Build(deps): Bump
  * v2.0.2+dev

==== systemd-presets-branding-Aeon ====

- Support bluetooth filetransfer (boo#1225682)

==== wireplumber ====
Version update (0.5.2 -> 0.5.3)
Subpackages: libwireplumber-0_5-0 wireplumber-audio

- Update to version 0.5.3:
  * Fixes:
  - Fix a long standing issue that would cause many device nodes
    to have inconsistent naming, with a '.N' suffix (where N is
    a number >= 2) being appended at seemingly random times.
  - Fix an issue that would cause unavailable device profiles to
    be selected if they were previously stored in the state file,
    sometimes requiring users to manually remove the state file
    to get things working again.
  - Fix an occasional crash that could sometimes be triggered by
    hovering the volume icon on the KDE taskbar, and possibly
    other similar actions.
  - Fix camera device deduplication logic when the same device
    is available through both V4L2 and libcamera, and the
    libcamera one groups multiple V4L2 devices together.
  - Fix applying the default volume on streams that have no
    volume previously stored in the state file.
  - Fix an issue that would prevent some camera nodes,
    in some cases, from being destroyed when the camera device
    is removed.
  - Fix an issue that would cause video stream nodes to be
    linked with audio smart filters, if smart audio filters were
  - Fix an issue that would cause WP to re-activate device
    profiles even though they were already active.
  - Configuration files in standard JSON format (starting with a
    '{', among other things) are now correctly parsed.
  - Fix overriding non-container values when merging JSON
  - Functions marked with WP_PRIVATE_API are now also marked as
    non-introspectable in the gobject-introspection metadata.
  * Improvements:
  - Logging on the systemd journal now includes the log topic
    and also the log level and location directly on the message
    string when the log level is high enough, which is useful
    for gathering additional context in logs submitted by users.
  - Add a video-only profile in wireplumber.conf, for systems
    where only camera & screensharing are to be used.
  - Improve seat state monitoring so that Bluetooth devices are
    only enabled when the user is active on a local seat,
    instead of allowing remote users as well.
  - Improve how main filter nodes are detected for the smart
  - Add Lua method to merge JSON containers.
- Remove patch already included upstream:
  * 0001-lua-json-fix-error-ouput.patch
  * 0002-lua-json-add-method-to-merge-json-containers.patch
  * 0003-json-utils-fix-overriding-of-non-container-values-when.patch
  * 0004-transition-fix-memleak-when-error-set.patch
  * 0005-transition-ensure-single-completion-and-finish.patch
  * 0006-linking-return-after-aborting-transition.patch
  * 0007-state-stream-fix-using-default-volume.patch